Saturday, 7 February 2015

Kalaripayattu Workshop 2015

                          Trivandrum Kerala

Kalarippayatu is India’s ancient martial art's, meditation & healing tradition that evolved alongside traditional kalari treatment, Yoga & Ayurveda. Kalaripayattu is suitable for people of all abilities, and may be of particular interest to those engaged in dance, theater, martial arts or yoga because of its highly developed body language, & ability to bring cardiovascular fitness, strength, flexibility, & balance to the body & mind.

Kalaripayattu workshop for 2nd batch is going to be start on 10th March 2015.
 (one month workshop ) Those who are interested in joining in this batch should take admission on or before 25th February 2015.

This introductory Kalari workshop will introduce key elements of the tradition including 
1, warm-up exercises developed by monks who used energise, strengthen & prepare the mind & body.
2, swings / kicks. A unique exercise where the body learns to breathe, balance & ground 
3. Kalari Vandanam (Kalari Salutation) & kalari solo forms like chuvadu ( otta chuvadu, pachilchuvadu , konu chuvadu , vatta chuvadu , chathura chuvadu , etc.
4. shorts stick , longe stick fight , stick rotating , locks and key , self defence techniques, and kalari uzhichil 

Contact :+91 9895816754
              +91 9746103127
Anjaneya kalari sangam 
Trivandrum ,kerala , south India 

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